A Strong Barrier on the Border

A Strong Barrier on the Border
A Strong Barrier on the Border


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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

LAF receives first of 15 VAB HOT and a batch of HOT missiles

The Lebanese Army received today the first batch of a total of 15 VAB HOT (VCAC Mephisto), a variant of the VAB APC with HOT missiles launcher turret featuring 4 launcher tubes. In addition, the first batch of, possibly, hundreds of HOT missiles along to other ammunition, spare parts and 10 K9 dogs.

This first delivery included five VAB vehicles, three of which are meant to be for spare parts (ref). It is not clear how many HOT missiles were delivered exactly in this first batch, but there were at least 64 missiles on display based on the released photos.

This represents another donation by the French government, valued at nearly 15 million EURs. A previous donation in 2016 provided Milan AGTM missiles and other equipment also valued at 15 million EURs.

This is the first time the LAF operates the VAB HOT variant, these platforms were specifically selected to fit the needs & challenges faced on the borders with Syria.

Photo Credit: French Embassy


This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)

Thursday, May 18, 2017

ScanEagle UAV Hardware & Support Solicitation for the Lebanese Air Force

The [US] Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) is soliciting sole source agreement of $11.3M to "procure ScanEagle Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV's), spares, support equipment, tools, training, and support services in support of the Government of Lebanon previously procured ScanEagle Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS's)" (Ref).

The synopsis does not clarify the quantities, but continues by mentioning a very important point, this is a follow-up for previous FMS cases for "continued production and sustainment of previously procured ScanEagle systems by the Government of Lebanon" (Ref). The Lebanese Air Force already operates at least 4x ScanEagle UAVs (Some could be out-of-service due to crashes), but as we can understand from this new information, the FMS could have options to be exercised at any time to acquire additional systems.

It is also understood that the Rayak AFB would be the place of delivery. Rayak AFB has been receiving multiple US Air Force transport aircraft in the recent months which are expected to be delivering munition and equipment.

This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)

Monday, May 8, 2017

Lebanese Army expects 32 M2 Bradley IFV

According to Al-Hayat newspaper quoting Aram Nerguizian, a senior analyst at CSIS, the Lebanese Army is expecting 32 M2 Bradley IFV. No more details are provided on the variant and expected delivery time.

Aram Nerguizian is known to be very reliable regarding topics of Lebanese Army. On the other hand, in a previous article we covered the possibility of M2 Bradley deliveries given a statement regarding "new APCs" by the LAF commander.

It's great to see this possibility getting more of a reality. The M2 Bradley will have great role fighting on the Syrian borders.

This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Photos & Videos of Lebanese AF A-29 Super Tucano on Training Flights at Moody AFB

A YouTube channel has been releasing videos from all around Moody AFB. Along side, the channel seems affiliated with a Flicker account that is also showing photos from there. On their latest are some photos & videos showing Lebanese Air Force A-29 Super Tucano on training sorties.

The Lebanese Air Force pilots commenced their training at Moody AFB earlier this year. Photos from US AF showed a Lebanese pilot on an A-29 identified by Construction Number 15-2022. Moreover, Embraer confirmed delivering 2 Lebanese A-29 to USAF in their Q1 2017 results; but seems the number might be 4 by now. 

There are much more photos on the Flicker account, also the YouTube channel has multiple videos, but here are few photos & videos showing Lebanese A-29 identified by Construction Numbers 15-2021, 15-2022, and 15-2024. Check the links below to access the remaining media.

Looking forward to seeing these aircraft flying in Lebanon's sky.

Photos (Click to Enlarge):

Quality is not the best you would expect

Another video here for some Lebanese and Afghan A-29

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MoodyWatchers
Flicker Account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131038794@N06/
This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)

Friday, May 5, 2017

LAF takes delivery of hundreds of M2, M240, and M249 machine guns

The Lebanese Army took a delivery of 800x M2 .50 cal machine guns, 171x M240 machine guns, and 148x M249 light machine guns earlier today May 05, 2017 (Ref).

We had previously reported that the LAF expects 800 M2 machine guns worth $1,014,800.00 as excess defense articles.

Credits: LAF

This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lebanese Air Force acquired Garmin G1000 desktop training devices

Garmin International received a contract back in 2016 valued $94,342 to provide the Lebanese Air Force with Garmin desktop training devices & Garmin maintenance mock-up training devices for the G1000 system.

Garmin G1000 - Source: garmin.com
 The Garmin G1000 is an avionics suite made for all-glass cockpits, including the Cessna Caravan; this system is also installed on the LAF AC-208B Cessna Caravan. These training devices, or simulators, would enable training on "the concepts and theories behind WAAS GPS; comprehend various different user interface tasks; understand G1000 LRU interfaces and architecture; competent with system software loading and configuration of the G1000; familiar with the databases associated with the G1000, their use, and updating procedures; and understand how to access different maintenance modes and procedures for the G1000" (Ref).

This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)

Embraer already delivered two Lebanese A-29 Super Tucano to USAF

Embraer released its Q1 2017 results, and the report confirms that two A-29 Super Tucano aircraft from the Lebanese Air Force order have been delivered to the US Air Force. These will eventually be commissioned to Lebanon.

We are already in Q2 and possibly more aircraft were delivered since end of Q1.

In 1Q17, Embraer delivered two Super Tucano aircraft to the United States Air Force (USAF) that will be commissioned to Lebanon.

This article first appeared on LAF Digest (Unofficial)